People’s Artist of the USSR (1983), laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR (1970), Award of Lenin Komsomol (1977), awards. M. Petipa (1979), the prize “The Golden Dancer Picasso” (1987).
Oleg Vinogradov graduated from Lhu in 1958 (Pupil A. Pushkin).
From 1958 to 1965 he was an artist, then an assistant to the choreographer of Novosibirsk Theatre.
From 1968 to 1972-choreographer pose. Kirov, from 1973 to 1977-chief choreographer of the small theatre.
Since 1977-Artistic director of the ballet and the main choreographer of the theatre. Kirov. Staged ballets:
- “Cinderella” (1964, Novosibirsk; The spectacle was transferred to the scenes of Odessa (1970), Dresden (1973), Leningrad (1977, Small Theatre), Budapest (1983);
- “Romeo and Juliet” s. Prokofiev (1965, Novosibirsk; the spectacle was transferred to the scenes of Sofia (1971), Yerevan (1972), Leningrad (new. Ed. In the Small Theatre, 1976)];
- “Asel” in. Vlasov (1967, Bolshoi).
In the theater. Kirov:
- “Mountain” M. Kazhlaev (1968; new. Ed. – 1973, 1984);
- Alexander Nevsky (1969);
- “Two” (1969);
- “Enchanted Prince” (1972);
- “Hussar Ballad” (1979, together with D. Brjancevym; New. Ed. For GABTA – 1980);
- “The Fairy of Rondskih Mountains” (1980);
- “Auditor” (1980);
- “Times of the Promchavshihsja Covenants” (to the 200-year anniversary of the Theatre, 1983);
- “The Knight in the Tiger’s Skin” (1985),
- “Battleship” Potemkin “(1986).
In the small theatre:
- “The Vain precaution” L. Herald (1971; the performance was transferred to the scenes of Odessa (1973), Saratov (1973), Berlin (1974, “Komishe operas”), Frunze (1976), Riga (1976), Minsk (1979), Tallinn (1980));
- “Coppelia” (1973);
- “Yaroslav” (1974);
- “Pedagogical Poem” (1977).
Designer and artist of many of his productions. One of the prominent Soviet choreographers, Oleg Vinogradov gravitates to the compositions large-scale. His plays have a significant role corps. Along with pure classical ballets (“Cinderella”, “Vain precaution”, “Enchanted Prince”, “Coppelia”, “Fairy of Rondskih Mountains”) Vinogradov has also experimental production (“Yaroslavl”, “pedagogical poem”, “Auditor”), promoting The boundaries of modern choreography. With equal enthusiasm he composes the ballets tragic (“Yaroslav”, “Romeo and Juliet”), Comic (“Vain precaution”) and even satirical (“the Auditor”). A staunch supporter of the possibility of successful decision in ballet moral and moral problems on the material of today (“Asel”, “pedagogical poem”, “Mountain”). “Mountain” is especially interesting for skillful dramatization of the rich dance folklore of Dagestan. It is no exaggeration to say that the music and choreography of “Yaroslav” are a new word in the Soviet Ballet Theatre. The spirit of daring and successful experiment, the influence of modern theatre and at the same time depth and content, peculiar to the best examples of Russian ballet, is a rare alloy that tendency the value of this performance. Oleg Vinogradov in a word and a case advocates for a ballet theatre not only bright, talented, but also clever. The choreographer formulated his credo as follows:
In my opinion, the spectator who comes to the ballet just to admire the beauty of the dance, robs itself. Modern ballet can and should excite not only feelings, but also thoughts…
The head of the glorified ballet troupe of the Kirov Theatre, Oleg Vinogradov gave much strength and attention to the work on preservation and restoration of classical repertoire and paid special attention to the uniqueness of the style of interpretation of each of the choreographic Masterpieces. In 1980 he put Divertissement from the ballet “Paquita” (Choreography M. Petipa) on the stage of the Paris Opera. In 1990 he founded the Universal Ballet Academy (Kirov Ballet Academy) in Washington, where the foundation became the St. Petersburg School. In the same year he became the artistic director of Universal Ballet Company in Seoul. In 1994, he organized the St. Petersburg Chamber Ballet Theatre. Works at the invitation of the leading theatres with productions all over the world. Some of the latest productions O.M. Vinogradov:
- Cinderella S. Prokofiev in the Musical theatre. Stanislav and Nemirovich-Danchenko (Moscow, 2006);
- Cinderella “s. Prokofiev in the Ballet Theatre of St. Petersburg (State Conservatory). N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov);
- “Romeo and Juliet” at the Mikhailovsky Theatre (St. Petersburg, 2007);
- “Romeo and Juliet” in Seoul (2006);
- “Romeo and Juliet” in Novosibirsk (2016);
- Gala Concert in honor of the thirty anniversary of Universal Ballet in Seoul.
A. Deguène, and. Stupnikov Titles and awards:
- Honored Artist of Dagestan ASSR (1969);
- People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1976);
- People’s Artist of the USSR (1983);
- State Prize of the RSFSR named after MI Glinka (1970)-for staging the ballet performance “Mountain” M.M. Kazhlaev
- State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and Art (2001);
- Lenin Komsomol Prize (1977)-for creation of highly artistic ballet performances;
- In 1990 he was awarded the highest title in the field of literature and art of France – “Chevalier”;
- MI Award Petipa of the Paris Academy of Dance (1980, 1983);
- Picasso Golden Dancer Prize (Chicago, 1987);
- Prize of the French filmmakers “Golden Lion” (1988);
- Award named after L. Olivier (Great Britain, 1990);
- Honorary member of the Academy of Aesthetics and Free Arts (Moscow).